Install via composer: (recommended) Do not copy files from the downloaded package and run the below command from console: composer require hatimeria/m2-gtmpro You need to set up your magento access keys for be able to use composer installation. Please run bellow command: composer global config If you don't know where to find your access keys check this tutorial: Important: You should use keys connected to your account which you used to buy an extension. This module require Hatimeria_Base module which will be automatically installed during installation via composer. You can also install Hatimeria_Base manually or separately via Composer (in case when you dont have magento access keys). Manually: (not recommended) GtmPro: Copy files from the downloaded package into app/code/Hatimeria/GtmPro Hatimeria_Base: OPTION1: 1.Download module from 2. Copy files into app/code/Hatimeria/Base. OPTION2: You can install Hatimeria_Base via composer directly from our repo. 1. Add bellow code into composer.json "repositories": [ ... , { "type": "git", "url": "" } ] "require": { ... , "hatimeria/m2-hatimeria-base": "^1.0" }, 2. Run bellow command from console: composer update